Health & Safety
Health & Safety at Work Act 1974

As manufacturers and suppliers of products containing hardmetal, we wish to remind you that, in compliance with Section 6 of the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, certain precautions should be taken with our products. We take every care to ensure that, as far as is reasonably practicable, our products are safe and without risk to health when properly used. Nevertheless, appropriate health and safety precautions must be observed, and in particular you should have special regard to the following points.
Hardmetal is a reasonably inert and safe material, but precautions are necessary in handling it because of its inherently brittle nature. It can be fractured by shock or impact, which may cause pieces to be detached at high velocity. Tools and components containing hard metal should not be hammered or fitted with undue force, and when such operations must be carried out, suitable eye protection should be used by the workers. Such eye protection should also be used whenever there is any danger of breakage of tools or components during normal usage.
Your attention is drawn to Statutory Instruments 1975, No. 1681 (Factories – The Protection of Eyes, Regulations 1974) and especially to Clause 5 and to Schedule 1, Part IV, Paragraph 31.
The grinding of hard metal must also be carried out under conditions that ensure that the operator is not exposed to an extent which would be deleterious to health. Most grades of hard metal is 0.1mg/m3 (see H.S.E. Guidance Note FR “Threshold Limit Values”). Wet grinding is strongly recommended and conventional precautions related to the operation of safe grinding should be strictly observed. Attention to these details in grinding will not only minimise the personal hazards which may arise, but will also result in benefits from the optimum performance of the hard metal. Hardmetal is frequently brazed with silver solder. When it is brazed or debrazed, fumes of cadmium oxide (ceiling value, 0.05mg/m3 of cadmium) and zinc oxide (threshold limit value, 5mg/m3), and other substances may be given off from the brazing materials and suitable precautions must be taken to prevent inhalation of these fumes.
You are advised to consult The Health & Safety Executive regarding future amendments to the ceiling value and threshold limit values given above.
Safety Notes
All equipment listed in this publication has been the subject of a strict quality control programme. If correctly used, in accordance with good established workshop practice, it will give safe and reliable service.
Cutting tools have sharp edges. Handle them with care. Leave the protective cover in place until ready to use.
Swarf chips are dangerous. Keep guards in position at all times. Tools can fracture if subjected to impact causing pieces to be detached at high velocity. Eye protection should always be used in designated areas and wherever there is a risk of tools or components breaking during normal use.
For additional information and advice on the safe and efficient use of TANGI-FLOW products please contact Tangi Flow Products Limited Sales Office. For addresses and telephone number see back cover.