Stay In Top Condition

Like all new things, they can’t stay new forever.
However, here at Tangi-Flow we provide all the spare parts you need to keep your roller boxes, broaching heads and tool holders in top condition.
With over 300 different spare parts available, Tangi-Flow is here to support all of your tooling requirements.
Roller Boxes
Tangi-Flow roller box turning is the most effective means of producing accurate, true and parallel diameters with maximum repeatability.
The unique auto-retract action enables the roller box to be retracted in cycle whilst leaving no return mark on the work piece.
Broaching Heads
Rotary broaching is a fast and accurate method for producing internal and external forms in the end of the work piece.
The broaching tool holder can be used on any CNC lathe, manual lathe, multi-spindle lathe, milling or drilling machine.
ADMG Work Holdings
Our vice are produced entirely from solid with the body in Ergal 7075 Aluminum and the insert in hardened and ground steel.
The vice is so light, easy to assemble, with a minimum footprint and a very high yield material.
Need A Spare Part? Get In Touch
For more information on our spare parts, get in touch with our friendly team using the form below.